Expanding Agency hiring Drivers, Dancers, and Escorts - 30

Posted : Monday, January 27, 2025 02:58 AM | 8 views

Thank you for looking! Myrtle Beach Angels is part of the MBA group of Agency's, a national company, female owned and operated, currently servicing 10 cities nationwide! We are currently expanding our operations in the MyrtleBeach Area, and are seeking the following: Drivers Dancers Escorts You dont need any experience to apply! If seeking a Dancer or Escort position please be friendly, have the gift of conversation and height weight proportionate. We will be in Myrtle Beach soon for interviews and training. Drivers need to have reliable transportation, valid licence and a working knowledge of the city THE PAY IS UNLIKE ANY YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED! Escorts and Dancers will average $2000.00 per week Drivers will avg $25/hr BEFORE tips If you are interested: send an email WITH a brief description of yourself and your contact information to: alex@myrtlebeachangels.com escortalligator ts,long beach tranny escorts,escorts in omaha ne,female escorts wichita kansas,skip the games florence,listctawler com,bbc asian massage,myrtle beach backpages,all escorts ts seattles.,myrtle.beach escorts
  • Poster's age : 22
  • Mobile :
  • City : Myrtle Beach
  • Location : Myrtle Beach